
of water
Withdrawal from public drinking water systems


of water

is warmed up before use



observed on the water consumed after the meter

Anticipate and encourage more responsible uses of water

Water is an exhaustible resource and its use is the subject of particular attention by our teams to offer you technologies and services that reconcile efficient human activities and resource preservation.

Today, more and more of us are sharing water resources that, at the same time, are becoming scarce.

Water is essential and is becoming more fragile every day. Its preservation is at the heart of the concerns of the authorities, professionals and users. Also, the aspiration to protect the environment is intensifying and both users and water treatment operators are mobilising in favor of resource-friendly management of the water cycle.

Collectively protecting the resource has become a priority!  

Drought: organising the sobriety of water uses

More and more countries are issuing plans or regulations to monitor the consumption of water. For instance, the French government's water plan announces a target of reducing water use by 10% globally by 2030.

To achieve this objective, we offer a range of resilient technological solutions that complement water meters in individual or collective housing, to limit withdrawals and sustainably manage water resources.

These tools will make it possible to better control consumption and avoid shortages in a context of resource scarcity. 

Water, a resource to be protected: save money by reducing consumption!

Water, a resource to be protected: save money by reducing consumption!

To preserve our resources and our natural environments, it is necessary to act on a daily basis by limiting water waste. Save money and contribute to a sustainable future by consuming better, being vigilant and adapting your uses.

Connected meters to optimise water consumption: monitoring and alerts in case of overconsumption

In order for users to be able to monitor their water consumption and be supported towards more sobriety, remote reading of water meters is a prerequisite. We have developed a whole range of services associated with remote reading that allow us to have concrete, immediate and optimised results over time for individuals and professionals alike.

In several cities and territories, we have deployed connected meters that have made it possible to optimise water consumption thanks to a better knowledge of it. The implementation of the ON'connect™ Metering remote reading offer allows for very detailed and real-time management of consumption with the possibility of alerting users in the event of overconsumption, often synonymous with leakage after meter.

The advantages of remote reading whether you are a user, operator or community: consumption monitoring, leak alerts and savings.

Sobriety of uses: a virtual coach to help users know and control their household's water and energy consumption

  • Our module ON'Connect™ Coach allows you to:
  • Consult the daily and monthly balance of your consumption and situate yourself in relation to equivalent households
  • Know the distribution of your water uses and benefit from an in-depth analysis of your habits
  • Be alerted by email or text in the event of any leaks or overconsumption according to a threshold determined beforehand and customised according to the number of persones in your household
  • Receive simple and personalised advice to reduce the household's water and energy consumption (domestic hot water).

Our concrete solutions to increase the operational efficiency of our customers

Our digital solutions allow local authorities and private and public companies to know their water and energy consumption to control it. These solutions aim to help them develop the sobriety and environmental performance of their facilities.

Pricing incentives to change behaviour

Tariff incentive solutions can also change behaviour. Pricing may vary depending on the use of the water, the resource and the composition of the household. This pricing can be based on the seasons to limit consumption when the resource is scarce or when tourist activity is stronger.

In Dunkirk, France, the eco-solidarity pricing system set up in 2012, with the Dunkirk Water Syndicate, has 3 tariff levels depending on the use of the water: essential water (mostly for hydration purposes), useful water and comfort water, with a minimum reduction of 20% for "essential water" to make it accessible to all. 

Know-how in social and behavioral sciences to support our clients

Our LyRE research centre is the link between water operations in the field and our researchers. It identifies the right partners to propose innovative solutions to the challenges of the territories and to the questions raised by managers or local authorities to limit their impact on the environment. Le LyRE is organised around 4 research and expertise centers: Network, Environment, Actors and Users and Data. The multidisciplinary approach, which is the true DNA of Le LyRE, allows it to provide you with concrete solutions, in addition to digital tools.

Several research and innovation projects are underway, the results of which will enrich the "Water Resources" offer. 

  • A better understanding of uses to best target support for sobriety  
  • Social pricing models, drought via a water tariff modeling table.  
  • Large-scale demonstrators of the impact of different post-meter water saving measures for different types of users.

Your challenges, our solutions

Local authorities

Remote meter reading

Improve water management with our ON'connect™ metering remote reading solution and optimise your water consumption thanks to our digital platform

Your trusted partner for circular solutions in water and waste

With a presence across the entire value chain, we are recognised for our technical expertise, commitment to sustainability, and ability to provide you with tailored solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

We also support you to

Valorise sludge

We are at your side to reduce sewage sludge and enhance its energy potential through innovative solutions such as anaerobic digestion, incineration and thermochemical processes.