SUEZ has successfully placed its inaugural €2.6bn Green Bond
> 2nd largest EUR Green Bond in 2022
> Over 70 investors met in two days
Today, SUEZ successfully placed its inaugural Green Bond, fully dedicated to refinancing part of the Issuer's financial debt which initially financed whole or part of Eligible Green Projects. The offering was around 2.9 times oversubscribed, and received a strong reception from more than 200 institutional investors, based all across Europe.
For a total amount of € 2.6 billion, this Green Bond is made up of three tranches:
- EUR 750 million at a fixed rate with a maturity of 5 years, with an annual coupon of 1.875%
- EUR 850 million at a fixed rate with a maturity of 8 years, with an annual coupon of 2.375%
- EUR 1 billion at a fixed rate with a maturity of 12 years, with an annual coupon of 2.875%
SUEZ is a leading player in Water and Waste with a well-oriented international footprint. With a unique 160-year history and legacy, SUEZ relies on the expertise and commitment of its 35,000 employees to offer high value-added and customized environmental solutions to all its customers. SUEZ has a strong company culture, placing ESG at the core of how the company operates.
This operation, placed with leading investors, illustrates the market’s confidence in the Group’s credit and sustainability profile. SUEZ is rated Baa2 / outlook stable by Moody’s.
SUEZ enhances its financial structure with this operation, optimizing both the average cost and the maturity of its debt. Following this first step of its refinancing programme, the average maturity of SUEZ’s gross financial debt will be increased by 4 years and reach more than 6 years.
SUEZ’s Green Bond framework is aligned with the ICMA’s Green Bond Principles as set out in a Second Party Opinion provided by Sustainalytics, a leading independent ESG ratings agency.
The final documentation related to this bond issuance will be available on the AMF website.
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This press release does not constitute an offer of, or an invitation to purchase or subscribe for, any securities in the United States or in any other country. The bonds cannot be offered or sold in the United States of America unless they are registered or exempt from registration under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 (amended). Suez does not intend to register all or part of the offering in the United States or to conduct a public offering in the United States.