SUEZ’s contract to modernize and improve the water services of Tashkent is now in operation
With a population of 3 million, Tashkent is experiencing rapid demographic growth and strong economic development. Despite Uzbekistan's progress in the water sector, the needs of drinking water and sanitation services for Tashkent continue to increase and will be also impacted by the effects of climate change. To upgrade and expand public services for all citizens and to ensure continuity of service 24/7 for an ever-growing number of citizens and flourishing businesses and industries, the Municipality of Tashkent, together with Uzsuvtaminot, have designed and launched the “Tashkent Water Transformation Plan” project together with their trusted partner SUEZ.
This contract acts a pilot project for the modernization of the Uzbek water sector and will be a showcase for the entire Central Asian region. It is based on an innovative approach of joint management and close monitoring of performance and technical excellence including through key performance indicators, as well as an action plan to improve the quality of drinking water, reduce the Non-Revenue Water by 12 %, and increase the Collection rate in order to achieve financial balance.
14 international specialists representing 8 different nationalities and 45 local staff, will provide day-to-day support to the 4,000 Uzbek water company Tashkent Shahar SuvTaminoti employees. SUEZ has chosen qualified people in their field for their experience and expertise, some of whom have many years' experiences in other countries (France, India, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Azerbaijan, etc.).
SUEZ will also support the development of the next generation of Uzbek managers and water specialists through an ambitious know-how and expertise transfer program which includes 1,500 days of training, 350 days of study abroad, and more than 1,200 days of technical assistance. It will allow the company to meet the highest international HSE standards.
The contract is financed by a Direct Loan from the French Treasury and a BPI France Assurance Export buyer’s credit.
This contract includes:
- A reduction in water losses by identifying 30,000 leaks using innovative methods. It will reduce water abstraction by 33 million m3 per year by the end of the project, equivalent to the annual consumption of an Uzbek town of 330,000 inhabitants.
- The implementation of the latest digital solutions in a new Operations Center using smart decision-making tools enabling water and energy consumption reductions, to preserve resources and prioritize investments. Moreover, the installation of 650,000 smart meters will allow accurate billing.
- The improvement of water quality, and the implementation of first-class customer services, comprising the creation of a Mobile App’.
- The introduction of consumption-based billing will reduce the overall city's water consumption, helping it to meet the challenges of water scarcity in a context of global warming.