Preserve biodiversity and natural resources wherever we operate
Our "Nature" approach is based on 3 levers :
> Preserving resources
2021 baseline updated including 2022 acquisitions (R&R UK, EnviroServ and IWS France).
Limit our impact on fresh water |
% of commercial proposals concerning water production and distribution with a commitment to preserving water resources |
First publication in 2023 |
By 2027 100% |
71% (France only) |
% of distribution contracts in water-stressed areas with a commitment to preserving | First publication in 2023 |
By 2027 100% |
100% (France only) |
Support recycling and reuse |
Waste recovery rate(1) Tons recovered |
First publication in 2023 |
By 2027 ↑ |
48% 13,559 ktonnes |
(1) Including energetical recovery.
> Growing our nature regeneration capacities
Grow natural environments regeneration capacities of SUEZ |
Turnover generated by solutions identified as regenerating(2) |
1,246 K€ | By 2027, create and develop existing and new SUEZ business models and solutions to accelerate natural environment regeneration and preservation |
820 K€ |
(2) We consider at SUEZ that, this KPI concerns only innovative and new solutions developed by SUEZ to regenerate nature that are additional to typical SUEZ sector of activity’s solutions that protect, preserve, or develop biodiversity.
> Addressing pressure on biodiversity
Roll out biodiversity action plans at all biodiversity priority sites(3) managed by SUEZ |
% of biodiversity priority sites(3) where biodiversity action plans(4) are deployed and implemented |
62% | By 2027 100% |
65% |
% of commercial proposals in biodiversity priority zones that include an offer towards biodiversity preservation(5) (6) |
< 5% | By 2027 100% |
< 5% | |
Prevent the spillage of micropollutants in natural environments |
% of commercial proposals for sanitation infrastructure(7) construction in areas at stake(8) with micropollutants removing solutions (prevention, advanced treatments etc.)(9) |
- | By 2027 100% |
Waiting for the definition of areas at stake, will be defined by an incoming EU regulation (DERU) |
Reach zero phytosanitary products used green spaces on sites managed by SUEZ |
% of sites not using phytosanitary products |
72,10% | By 2027 100% |
73,40% |
Contribute to reduce the land artificialization pace |
Total number of renaturation and landscaping operations | < 50 operations | By 2027 Double |
54 operations |
Contain invasive non-native species |
% of renaturation and landscaping operations using only local species | First publication in 2023 |
From 2025 100% |
70% |
Drastically reduce light pollution of sites managed by SUEZ |
% of biodiversity priority sites regarding biodiversity where a light reduction policy is deployed(10) | < 5% | By 2027 100% |
< 5% |
(3) SUEZ definition of a priority site regarding biodiversity:
- that is in or crosses or is situated along 1) In Europe Natura 2000 areas (birds or habitats) and 2) in the rest of the world IUCN protected areas 4, 5 or 6;
- or has a surface that is superior to 10 ha;
- or is an open landfill site.
(4) A biodiversity action plan is specific to each priority site addressing its specific challenges to effectively preserve biodiversity locally. It is generally designed by experts (environmental engineer or specialist, ecologist).
(5) SUEZ considers that an offer regarding biodiversity preservation is composed of a biodiversity diagnosis of a site and a biodiversity action plan.
(6) If and when authorized by call for tenders.
(7) For WWTP whose capacity exceeds 200,000 inhabitants eq.
(8) Some areas contain more micropollutants in wastewater than others. Areas at stake will be defined through the coming legislation (e.g.DERU).
(9) If and when authorized by call for tenders.
(10) Unless prohibited by prefectural decree.
Our commitments are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Our action for Nature

Restoring wetlands in order to create green spaces within the city of Panjin

Taking action to save water while contributing to local development in Kolkata

Taking steps to protect and enhance biodiversity at our waste management sites in the UK
Learn more

Our 2023 - 2027 Sustainable Development Roadmap