Artificial intelligence and robotics to enhance performance

In a constantly changing world in which sustainability and efficiency are increasingly in demand, we are investing in today’s most promising emerging technologies: artificial intelligence and robotics. These tools are transforming our approach to water and waste management and opening up new possibilities.

In particular, artificial intelligence is enabling us to make more informed decisions by analysing and processing large volumes of data. With high-performance algorithms and large volume of Data, we can anticipate customers’ needs, improve our processes and reduce operating costs.

Robotics, meanwhile, offers numerous potential ways of automating repetitive and dangerous tasks, increasing productivity and improving safety at our sites.

By adopting these technologies, we can remain competitive in the global market and position ourselves at the leading edge of innovation in water and waste management.

We are allocating a large number of resources to those initiatives:

A dedicated research and innovation budget

Data scientists developing AI algorithms in the fields of water treatment and waste processing

A team of highly qualified experts dedicated to developing AI-based waste characterisation solutions

Databases containing hundreds of thousands of images that we use to train our AI algorithms

Our ability to use these technologies in a responsible and efficient way enables us to meet our customers’ complex needs, while contributing to a future that is sustainable for all.

Our approach fits perfectly with our new corporate purpose focusing on resource stewardship and the fight against climate change.

Artificial intelligence to improve water stewardship

Today, the structural condition of water distribution and wastewater networks is deteriorating, and local authorities are finding it difficult to prioritise pipe maintenance and replacement work. These difficulties are resulting particularly from the insufficient level of inspections, caused by high costs and network access difficulties.

< 5%

This is the percentage of the network inspected each year in France, leading to around 0.5% of the network being replaced annually

At SUEZ, we are pioneers in the deployment and operation of AI-based digital solutions to improve the performance of water supply systems. We use smart sensors to collect data, Hhpervision platforms to check that our customers’ facilities are operating correctly and algorithms to process data. This allows them to see the condition of the network, anticipate the risk of breakage, and detect leaks in real time.

Remote smart meter reading is essential for water stewardship. Our ON’connect™ range of solutions allows customers to reduce water use by up to 16% by reducing user consumption, detecting leaks on the premises of consumers and businesses, and improving network performance. It identifies targeted actions to stop water from being wasted by rapidly identifying the largest leaks at industrial and small-business customers and in commercial buildings, identifying peaks in consumption related to garden hose use, and dealing with drought-related restrictions and seasonal consumption patterns.

Our AQUADVANCED® range of solutions allows those in charge of water and wastewater services to oversee, check, and optimise their operations and resources. It makes use of AI, for example, to process data from various sources, qualify and validate the quality of data collected, help produce scenarios, and assist operators with decision-making. 
Our asset management solution AssetAdvanced™ also relies on data and AI. It allows customers to optimise infrastructure investment decisions by integrating multiple sources of data to measure and oversee the condition of assets and define optimal investment plans and work schedules taking into account their financial resources, priorities and risk of failure (e.g., leaks in the drinking water network and blockages in wastewater pipeline). 
We have also developed rolling, flying and floating objects that can carry out diagnostic work while ensuring continuity of service and staff availability. This results in better knowledge of network assets, for example by locating and providing images of structural defects, locating and quantifying sediment deposits, and locating and providing images of clean water inflows.

The SewerBall®

is an autonomous diagnostic tool that propels itself using water flows in wastewater networks (gravity-fed networks with 200 mm pipes) and natural waterways. It analyses water quality as it moves and can locate intrusions precisely using advanced mathematical algorithms.

The SewerBoat

is an autonomous diagnostic boat that propels itself using water flows in wastewater networks (gravity-fed networks with pipes with an internal diameter of at least 400 mm). It provides a 360° view of pipes and allows users to analyse precisely the condition of wastewater networks without any service interruption, giving customers’ better knowledge of their network and enabling them to assess it and prioritise work on it.

The SewerDrone

is an economical alternative, developed by modifying a commercially available drone. It is safe, effective, easy to deploy by network operators with daily hire and on-call options, and avoids the need to travel long distances to carry out diagnostic work or simply to rule out issues.

The SewerQuad

is a wireless, radio-controlled quad that can inspect dry networks (less than 5cm of water and low flow) with a diameter of 500mm or more.

Treasures in our trash: artificial intelligence and waste recognition

Maximizing waste recovery by ensuring that waste streams are directed to the appropriate facilities is a key priority in waste management.

20 -> 30%

the proportion of sorting errors in collected waste arriving at a sorting centre


the average proportion of waste arriving in an energy recovery unit that could have been recycled
From collection to sorting centers and energy recovery units, AI can precisely categorize different types of waste. By utilizing cameras and artificial intelligence algorithms, we have enhanced the waste identification process, enabling optimized recycling and energy recovery through our various solutions:

QUALIWASTE® Collection

This tool maps the quality of sorting within a territory to support customers’ waste prevention and awareness campaigns. By allowing customers to take action exactly where it’s needed, it helps to optimise resources mobilised. We deployed this solution widely, with around 15 contracts and 40 trucks equipped with the technology.


This tool, designed for household waste sorting centers, significantly improves sorting operations. By measuring the quality of outgoing streams in real-time, it ensures the compliance of produced recyclable materials, optimizes resources allocated for waste sorting, and detects potential process deviations due to machine malfunctions.


The first robotic arm to combine three technologies (AI, infrared, and 3D) to automate the recovery of recyclable waste and eliminate contaminants from the waste stream. It also assists staff in refining outgoing waste, reducing the need for manual sorting, and minimizing contact between staff and waste.
Qualiwaste EfW


This tool is uniquely designed for Energy From Waste Plants. By using cameras to monitor waste as it arrives, it identifies non-compliant items and recyclable materials that should have been sorted at the source. Our municipal clients use this information as a communication tool to enhance the quality of incoming waste streams and improve sorting performance across a region.

Designing the customer service of tomorrow

As part of our AIforSUEZ programme, we are also exploring the potential of generative artificial intelligence to improve the quality of user support in water and waste services.

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