Water management solutions

Drinking Water Treatment

As the established market leader and pioneer in water treatment processes and technologies in India for over four decades, SUEZ has taken a leading role in shaping and transforming the industry by transferring international expertise, in designing and building state-of-the-art infrastructures with advanced technologies adapted to local condition.

Wastewater Treatment and Reuse

Strong economic growth with the rapid urbanization of cities has resulted in an exponential rise in drinking water demand and wastewater generation. The per capita wastewater generated by the class-I and class-II cities and towns, representing more than 70% of urban population in India, has been estimated to be around 98 lpcd, while for metro cities like Mumbai and Delhi, the rate is a staggering 220 lpcd. An alarmingly high 70% of the urban wastewater flows untreated into the river and sea.

Sludge and by-products management

Urban or industrial wastewater treatement produces sludge. This sludge is then treated with a view to being recovered or destroyed. A number of treatment phases, from thickening to drying, allow the sludge to be recovered, for example as agricultural fertiliser or fuel for incineration plants.

Operation & Maintenance

The essence of proper Operation & Maintenance is to extend the lifecycle of the client’s assets with minimal cost attached to the activity and deliver the guaranteed results consistently and continuously.